Road closure at Castle Yard – January 2011

The demolition of the former Castle Cinema will be commencing immediately after the Christmas/New Year holiday and is expected to take several months.

Demolition is taking place as a precursor to redevelopment of the site as part of the wider Town Centre Regeneration Programme and is being undertaken by Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council’s Corporate Estates and Physical Regeneration teams.

In order to provide safe working space for the demolition and access for contractors vehicles, Castle Yard will be closed to through traffic whilst the work is undertaken. Access will be preserved to the BT Depot which lies off Castle Yard.

As a result of the closure, all traffic entering and leaving the Civic Centre Car Park, the Crown Court building, Abermorlais Car Park and the main Castle Car Park will have to travel via Glebeland Place.

Disruption and delay at peak times is expected, particularly at the junction with Castle Street. All users should take note and be prepared to allow extra time for their journeys particularly in the afternoon peak period.

The demolition may also require the selective closure of Pontmorlais to allow certain operations to proceed in safety. Any planned closures of Pontmorlais will be limited to Sundays in order to minimise traffic disruption along the one way section of carriageway.


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