Road safety plans aim to cut casualties in Swansea

Over three-quarters of a million pound is being invested by Swansea Council into making roads in the city safer.

A sum of £751,000 has been awarded to the Council by the Welsh Assembly Government in a bid to target a number of road safety priorities.

A wide range of plans have been developed by the Council and the proposed plans are set to be approved by Cabinet.

One of the main aims of the proposals is to reduce casualties at existing high risk sites on roads in Swansea. A list of sites has been drawn up using police data recorded during the last three years.

Almost half a million pound will be diverted towards the high risk sites which includes sections of Fabian Way, Carmarthen Road and the A4118 from Sketty Road to Upper Killay.

Cllr John Hague, Cabinet Member for the Environment in Swansea Council, said: “It’s vital that we use the grant to target high risk areas. Police data relating to vehicle related accidents enables us to divert the money where it’s needed most.

“Making roads safer for residents is an important issue and I hope residents understand the need to prioritise this work.”

Some of the money will also be used to fund educational schemes linked to road safety such as the Kerbcraft scheme which operates in local schools and teaches five to seven-year-olds road safety skills.

Other work funded by the grant and carried out by the Council’s Road Safety team will include Pass Plus Cymru- a safe driving course for young drivers between the ages of 17 and 25.

Cllr Hague added: “We all have a role to play in getting across the message of road safety.

“Provision of road safety education for our schoolchildren is so important. Children need to be aware of the dangers they face on roads. We have a duty to protect the younger generation and the proposals within this report will help us achieve that.”


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