Roadside Checks in South Denbighshire

denbighshireRoadside checks have been carried out on cars and taxis in south Denbighshire, in the interest of road safety.

The detailed roadworthiness safety checks were carried out by officers from Denbighshire County Council’s Licensing and Community Safety section,  North Wales Police and Driver Vehicle Standards Agency.

A total of 6 taxis were examined during the course of the operation and subjected to stringent inspections in pursuance of road safety. Those checks resulted in two taxis being immediately prohibited and suspended by DVSA officers and Council Licensing/ Community Safety Enforcement Officers for two defective tyres and lighting defects.

Councillor David Smith, Denbighshire Cabinet Lead Member for Environment, said: “These operations must send a clear message  that the Police, DVSA and Denbighshire County Council are jointly committed to a course of action that will seek out any vehicles that are not fit for purpose. This activity is also designed to gain the confidence of both public public who use taxis/ private hire vehicles and all those persons who use the roads of Denbighshire”.

In order to further public safety, North Wales Police, DVSA and Denbighshire County Council Licensing/Community Safety Enforcement Officers will continue to work in partnership in carrying out taxi, private hire vehicle roadworthiness checks and other motor vehicle checks and take appropriate action where necessary.

“Local officers took part in the day,” said Sergeant Beth Jones who is based in Ruthin. “Members of the public can be reassured that we will continue with this work to ensure the safety of all who use the road and that of any passengers that are carried in such vehicles.”


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