Roath officers to try out first community meeting on twitter

The Roath Neighbourhood Policing Team will be taking part in the first South Wales Police community meeting on social site twitter.

On Wednesday 2nd February 2011, the officers who cover Splott, Tremorfa, Roath and Adamsdowm will be tweeting live during street patrols, which will be followed by a meeting on twitter.

The first patrol part will start at 18:00 and the meeting will follow at 19:00, as the team look for new ways to engage the community and get people involved with neighbourhood policing.

Updates before and during this trial event can be found on the @swpolice twitter account and will feature the #heddluestreet. This # was chosen as heddlu is the welsh word for police, e represents the online aspect, and street is what the work of neighbourhood policing is all about.

PC Rachel Young (pictured) who will be taking part said “We want to give as many community members an opportunity to get involved in neighbourhood policing as possible, and using twitter will certainly be something different. It will provide our community with another way of having a conversation with us.”

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