Roberts: Delay Raises Questions Over Protection of Welsh Language in Planning Process

Aled Roberts 1Commenting on today’s Written Statement on “Technical Advice Note 20: Planning and the Welsh Language” from the Minister for Housing and Regeneration, Aled Roberts, Welsh Liberal Democrat Spokesperson on the Welsh Language said:

“It is evident that questions arise as to how much regard has been taken of the Welsh Language in the LDP process in some authorities to date.

“The delay in producing this new guidance means that the plans prepared by some authorities are not as robust as they could be, and this Statement also fails to address the practical steps that will be taken in the process prior to LDPs being adopted in those authorities.

“Given the failure of the Welsh Government to meet their own timelines for production of this planning guidance, it is not acceptable that we will have to wait for further guidance before it can be said that they have a comprehensive policy in place to protect the Welsh Language.”


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