Roberts: No Cold Calling Zones Should Be Legally Enforceable

Aled Roberts 1North Wales Welsh Liberal Democrats AM Aled Roberts is once again supporting calls from Age Cymru for the Welsh Government to legally enforce “No Cold Calling Zones” in Wales.

Commenting, Aled Roberts, Welsh Lib Dem Spokesperson for Older People said:

“Wednesday’s short debate in the Assembly gives us the opportunity to discuss how a more consistent approach to scams and cold-calling can be applied across Wales.

“We know that older people are particularly vulnerable to unwelcome contact in a variety of forms from companies and individuals who all too often pressurise them into parting with substantial sums of money.

“I welcome Age Cymru’s “Scams and Swindles” campaign and fully support its aims to penalise cold callers who operate in the designated zones.

“Consideration must be given to the added bureaucracy and costs involved in implementing this proposal, and I am pleased to see that Age Cymru have been undertaking opinion-polling work to assess support as well as compiling information on existing cold-calling zones in Wales.

“I look forward to working towards finding a long-term, practical and effective means of eliminating this menace”.

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