Roberts: Time for Young Voters to “Bite the Ballot”

Aled Roberts 1Commenting on the results of a ComRes poll on young voters commissioned by the Electoral Reform Society and published today, Aled Roberts, Welsh Liberal Democrat Shadow Minister for Children and Young People in the National Assembly, said:

“It is very disappointing that almost a quarter of young people aged 18 – 21 in the UK have never registered to vote.

“Today is Bite the Ballot’s inaugural National Voter Registration Day, and it is hoped that as a result of this initiative there will be 250,000 more names on the register.

“I know from talking to young people in my North Wales region that they want their opinions to be heard, and the next step from there is registering to vote.

“It is important that young people feel engaged in the political process and know that they are influencing decision-making when they vote. I would urge everyone who is eligible to register as soon as possible and help make this “Bite the Ballot” campaign a success.”


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