Rock stars shake it up with College students

They’re local stars who’ve made it big, touring with rock giants Lost Prophets and more recently, Limp Bizkit, but members of The Guns went back to their South Wales roots when they visited Coleg Gwent students and helped them produce a music track.

Alex Wiltshire of The Guns and Studio Manager Richard Emanuel showed Independent Living Skills (ILS) students on Vocational Access courses how music can be created from the simplest of sounds.

Following direction from Alex, students wrote lyrics and recorded sounds for a song they named Shake Down, using objects around them in the classroom to record sounds such as tapping a book on a desk, tins and an electric fan.  These were then laid on a baseline created by Richard.

“It was a wonderful opportunity for students to meet Alex and Richard, and to learn how everyday objects together with an enthusiastic approach can create and inspire music,” commented ILS Lecturer Ingrid Sourbutts.

“Students were totally engaged in the project and Alex commented what a pleasure it had been to work with the group and how much fun they had making the cd.”

Second year student, Daniel Burnett described the workshop as “a mind-opening, educational event which brought out our team skills. I enjoyed every single minute of it.”

“We’re very grateful to the band for spending the day with us and we hope to see them again soon.”

Photograph: Alex Wiltshire of The Guns with Coleg Gwent students

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