Roger Williams MP Hosts Welsh Regiments in Parliament

Lieutenant General Simon Mayall who is Colonel of the Queen’s Dragoon Guards and Roger Williams

Lieutenant General Simon Mayall who is Colonel of the Queen’s Dragoon Guards and Roger Williams

Last Tuesday Roger Williams, Welsh Lib Dem MP for Brecon and Radnorshire, hosted the Welsh Regiments Parliamentary Reception in Westminster.

The Colonel of the Royal Welsh and the Head of the Army in Wales, Brigadier PML Napier OBE introduced the Regiments to parliament. The Reception provided the opportunity for a number of serving officers and soldiers from all the constituencies across Wales to meet their MPs. Each Regiment (1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards (QDG), The Welsh Guards and The Royal Welsh) also gave a short presentation on their current activities.

Commenting, Roger Williams MP said:

“I was honoured to host the Welsh Regiments Parliamentary Reception in the House of Commons. The reception gave the opportunity for serving officers and soldiers to meet MPs from all constituencies across Wales to tell them face to face what the Regiments have done and are doing now. I paid tribute to the exceptional service that the Regiments and all the armed forces render to this nation.

“I also mentioned the number of Territorial Army troops that are now serving in Afghanistan who are typical of the dedicated and talented young people serving our country.”


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