Roger Williams: Wales Bill a Significant Achievement for Welsh Devolution

Roger Williams MP

Roger Williams MP

Roger Williams, Member of Parliament for Brecon and Radnorshire, has welcomed the publication of the draft Wales Bill, which will put in place measures recommended in Paul Silk’s Commission on Devolution in Wales Report.

The Bill would give the Welsh government control of stamp duty land tax and landfill tax, and open the possibility of a referendum on devolving some income tax powers.

Commenting following the publication of the Bill, Roger Williams said:

“I am thrilled that this important Bill for Wales has been published. The commitment shown from the Government to pass this legislation should be commended.

“The ability to raise taxes will bring much needed accountability to Wales’ political system, bringing it in line with most other national parliaments. For too long the Welsh Government has had the power to spend money without having the responsibility to raise it.

“Wales requires a proper functioning parliament with additional fiscal responsibilities to help create a stronger economy and a fairer society.

“I look forward to debating this bill as it passes through Parliament, ensuring it is in place before the next General Election.”

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