Roll up; roll up for this year’s Summer Reading Challenge! Circus Stars: the 13th Summer Reading Challenge launches in July

Libraries across Flintshire will be welcoming children to this year’s circus-themed Summer Reading Challenge™ that will keep them reading throughout the school summer holidays.

Children between 4 and 11 are encouraged to read six or more books of their choice during the Summer holidays and they will get collectable incentives and rewards – plus a certificate or medal for every child who completes the Challenge.

The 2011 Summer Reading Challenge is called Circus Stars and follows six children who have signed up for a contemporary circus skills academy. As they read books, mirrored by children everywhere who are doing the Challenge via their local libraries, they gain new circus skills through three important stages: Practice, Rehearsal and Showtime!

An interactive Circus Stars website links children with top authors and illustrators, has games to play and gives them space to talk about their favourite books.

Once again this year there are large print Summer Reading Challenge materials available for visually impaired children, thanks to the support of the RNIB National Library Service and the Welsh Government provides funding support through the Welsh Books Council to enable the provision of bilingual materials in Wales.

“Research shows that children really enjoy taking part in the Summer Reading Challenge,” says Lawrence Rawsthorne, Head Culture and Leisure ”It’s a great way to keep them entertained over the holidays, but more importantly, we know that children who take part read more books and read more widely than those who don’t, with potentially life-changing results”.

The Summer Reading Challenge is just one of many exciting schemes public libraries are developing to help children develop a love of reading, gain confidence and get new skills. Call in to your local library or visit to find out more.

“Absolutely brilliant, I’ve never seen my children so enthusiastic about reading. They are eager to continue. They have even motivated myself to read more” Father from Connah’s Quay.

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