Ron Hits Out at Labour Over Police Betrayal

Ron Davies, Plaid Cymru’s Assembly candidate for Caerphilly,  said that it was a betrayal to police officers in Gwent that Labour were arguing that all decisions about cutting jobs and safety should be taken by the Tories and Lib Dems in Westminster.

Ron Davies and Plaid Cymru have called for the devolution of policing and the transfer of associated funding so that decisions on local policing can be taken in Welsh communities.  This call has received support from within police forces in Wales, the Welsh Local Government Association and by a majority of people in Wales in a recent opinion poll.

He said that it was appalling that Labour agreed with the Tories, who are cutting up to 350  police staff in Gwent alone, that someone in Westminster with no idea about what challenges police in Caerphilly face, should have control.

Ron Davies said:

“I am shocked that Labour thinks that the decision to cut a potential 350  police staff in Gwent, which could have a major impact on the safety of people in Gwent, should be taken by the Tories in Westminster.  That is a betrayal of our communities that should not be rewarded.

“Labour has shown throughout this election that they do not understand crime prevention.  The fact that Labour is backing the Tories on where cuts to the police force serving the  Caerphilly constituency should be made is unforgivable.

“In contrast to Labour’s support I don’t think we should ever trust the Tories with policing in Caerphilly. I am extremely concerned that these cuts will put huge pressure on the police who do a very good job in difficult circumstances for towns like Caerphilly, Bargoed and Ystrad Mynach.”

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