Royal Wedding – Monmouthshire says “Party On!”

Monmouthshire is geared to push the boat out on Friday April 29th, the day of the Royal Wedding, when ten street parties take place across the county.  The county council originally issued a deadline in mid March for residents to sign up for road closure but extended it to April 14th to allow as many people as possible to take part in celebrations.  In addition, the council has made paperwork as simple as possible and costs incurred have been kept to a minimum.

Parties will be held in Monmouth, Abergavenny, Magor, Caldicot, Mathern and Chepstow and the council has entered into the spirit of the occasion by making organisation easy for revellers.  Instructions for road closure and holding parties have been clearly displayed on the county council website.  The council has advised people to insure against damage without insisting upon it though it has made a condition that organisers sign a form of indemnity against damage to council property.

No costs other than the hire of Road Closed signs are likely to be incurred by organisers.

Traffic & Network Manager, Paul Keeble said: “We want people to enjoy the royal wedding and we have done our best to ensure that everything runs smoothly on the day.  Hopefully this will also include the weather!”


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