Royal Wedding Party Plans Deadline

If you are planning to hold a street party to celebrate the forthcoming Royal Wedding and have yet to submit an application to gain a road closure for your street, it may now be too late to be processed in time as the deadline for applications ends on Feb 28.

Applications for road closures associated with Royal Wedding Street Parties in Rhondda Cynon Taf were invited to be submitted by Feb 28 to allow sufficient time for the Council to undertake consultations with the Police and Emergency Services and process the making of a temporary traffic order, which is required to enable the roads to be legally closed.

The consultation process has now begun to process the applications that have been received and there is insufficient time to consider any further applications.

If you still wish to celebrate HRH Prince William and Kate’s big day with a party, you may wish to consider using alternative venues such as local parks, community centres, schools or local pubs.

By holding your party at one of these locations you will ensure that your parties are safely organised and are not affected by the British weather and April showers.

Councillor Andrew Morgan, Cabinet Member for Transport, Customer Care and Emergency Planning, said: “The Council is keen to ensure that residents celebrate the Royal Wedding in the safest way possible. Residents wishing to hold a street party should now have sent in their applications to the Traffic Management team.

“It is vital that anyone planning to hold a street party has the necessary permissions or they could face having their party plans disrupted. We obviously want to avoid this and help people enjoy the occasion, so if you have not applied already please think about hosting your party in another location.”

For more information on hosting your party in one of the parks in Rhondda Cynon Taf call:

  • Rhondda -Tel: 01443 233962
  • Cynon -Tel: 01685 885106
  • Taff -Tel: 01443 233964

Or one of the Community Centres contact the Community Centre Facilities Manager on 01443 490214

Alternatively speak to the Head Teacher in the respective School.

For further information on Road Closure contact the Traffic Management team on 01443 494814.


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