Safer Wales CEO calls for Cardiff Council Deputy Leader’s Resignation after “Shameful and Vile” Hate Campaign

Barbara Natasegara MBE, Chief Executive Officer of Safer Wales said:

‘Safer Wales endorses the views of Paula Hardy, Welsh  Women’s Aid CEO, as published in the South Wales Echo on Saturday 26th November 2011, repudiating the accusations made by Cllr Neil McEvoy on social networking sites.

Cllr McEvoy, Deputy Leader of Cardiff Council, made repeated unsubstantiated allegations of “publicly funded child abuse” on Twitter and Facebook, against Safer Wales, Welsh Women’s Aid and other Welsh-based charities supporting survivors of domestic abuse.   Safer Wales receives over 2300 referrals for women and over 300 for men who are victims of domestic abuse in Wales annually.  Actions such as this by a senior public figure could deter victims from reporting abuse, ultimately causing further harm.

Safer Wales employs highly skilled, experienced advocates, qualified to the standards required by the Home Office and Welsh Government.   The safety of the primary victims, which includes children experiencing or witnessing domestic abuse, is paramount.

On “International Stop Violence Against Women and Girls Day”, we would expect senior public servants to take the opportunity to condemn violence against women, men and children.  On this day, Cllr McEvoy’s vitriolic attack on charities which support survivors of abuse is particularly vile.

I call on Cardiff Council to repudiate this shameful behaviour by the Deputy Leader; that precious taxpayer’s money should be paying for a senior Cabinet member to spread a hate campaign against charities is unacceptable.

I call for Cllr McEvoy’s immediate resignation.”


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