Safer Wales welcomes Welsh Government Gender based Violence, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Bill

Safer WalesSafer Wales has worked closely with Welsh Government ministers and officials during the development of this bill.

Safer Wales welcomes the Gender Based Violence, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence   Bill and is proud that Wales are leading the way across Europe, to end violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence in Wales.   Safer Wales is committed to delivering services which meet the ambition of this bill.

Bernie Bowen-Thomson, Deputy CEO Safer Wales said “Safer Wales has over 10 years experience in developing cutting edge services for victims of sexual violence, domestic abuse and human exploitation, many of which are embedded across the UK.  Safer Wales works daily to ensure that victims have the right to feel safe and create a safer community for all.  Safer Wales welcomes the role of a specialist advisor to effect further change and continue to ensure Wales leads the way in making a stand to end violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence in Wales.”

Safer Wales works daily to prevent protect and support women; young girls; men and boys who are experiencing domestic abuse and sexual violence; women exploited through street based prostitution and people who are victims of human exploitation.

Amber, 44 years old, received support from Safer Wales. Amber has mental health issues and misuses a variety of drugs. Amber has experienced serious domestic violence, and, whilst walking home, Amber was raped and severely physically assaulted. The matter was reported to the Police and it transpired that the perpetrator whose whereabouts were unknown was wanted by the Police in connection to another serious sexual assault perpetrated against another female.

Safer Wales and the Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) supported Amber throughout the criminal proceedings. The defence barrister attempted to undermine her credibility as a victim and witness and focussed upon her lifestyle and the fact that she is a street sex worker.  Safer Wales had prepared Amber that this tact could be used and she remained resilient throughout.  Amber stated `Thank you very much.  I couldn’t have done it without you’

The perpetrator received a life sentence – with no leave to make an application for parole for at least nine years.

Following the proceedings Amber continued receiving support from Safer Wales, making positive progress.

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