Salon Highlights 30 Years on the High Street

Dorian 012A hair salon in Risca is celebrating 30 years in business this year and says giving clients a warm welcome and treating them like friends is the secret to success.

Dorian Robbins Hairdressers, located on Commercial Street, Pontymister, celebrated serving the community for 30 years on 21st June 2014. The Salon first opened its doors on Saturday 21st June 1984 and the first customer was a blushing bride having her hair put up for her wedding day.

Salon owner Dorian said: “The secret to staying successful on the High Street is to keep your customers happy, always making sure they are made to feel welcome and comfortable in the Salon and that they are satisfied with the service they receive.  It’s a great place to work. The clients who come here have been doing so for a long time, some since the Salon opened in 1984”

He continued, “Lots has changed during the 30 years we’ve been on the High Street, not just hairstyles and trends, but the way people shop today is different.  People used to do come and have their hair done and do their weekly shop in Risca at the same time. The shops are still here and people need to come and give them a try to keep the High Street going. We rely on people popping in when they are in town for a haircut.”

Cllr. Ken James, Cabinet Member for Regeneration said: “I’d like to congratulate Dorian Robbins and his staff on their 30 year anniversary. It’s a wonderful achievement to have been in business for this length of time and I hope the Salon continues to go from strength to strength in the future.”


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