Scarlet Rising

A rare scarlet bloomer at the National Botanic Garden of Wales has flowered on what has been a big weekend for ‘scarlets’.

This striking Banksia coccinea (or ‘Scarlet Banksia’) has burst into bloom the same time that Scarlets legend Stephen Jones played his last game for the club. The record-breaking former Wales captain bowed out after his side’s match with Cardiff Blues on Saturday, ahead of his move to Wasps.

Marilla Burgess, horticulturist in charge of the Great Glasshouse where this Aussie ‘scarlet’ is now showing its colours, says the banksia has flowered before but it is something of a rare sight.

She said: “You have to be very careful with all the plants in the Great Glasshouse; some need lots and lots of TLC while others  thrive on neglect and you have to learn to leave them alone.  This is one of the latter and is clearly enjoying the micro-environment.

Banksia coccinea is a native of south-west western Australia.

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