School children hunt for ‘bog babies’ at Porthkerry Park

Hawthorn Primary School reception and year one classes recently joined the rangers at Porthkerry Country Park on the hunt for an elusive creature.

Their trip was inspired by a wonderful book the children had all read, ‘The Bog Baby’, written by Jeanne Willis and illustrated by Gwen Millward. The book tells the story of two small sisters who go fishing in a magic pond and discover something much better than a frog or a newt – a bog baby.

The sisters decide to keep the bog baby as their secret, but despite their love it pines for its pond in the woods.

Teacher Mrs Freeman explains: “The book teaches the children, in a simple but beautiful way, the importance of looking after the environment and leaving wild animals in their natural habitat.”

While at Porthkerry the children all had a go at hunting through the pond for their own bog babies but only tadpoles and sticklebacks could be found! They then each made their own bog babies from the park’s secret clay pit and made them a home out of shells and materials from the beach.

Mel Stewart, ranger at Porthkerry Park, said: “The children had a fantastic time exploring and learning about the woods and ponds at Porthkerry. The day was a great success, with all bog babies being released back into the pond at the end of the day.”

Anyone interested in visiting Porthkerry Country Park for a school visit can contact the rangers on 01446 733589 or email [email protected].


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