School goes green

A Pembrokeshire school is flying the green flag.

Broad Haven Primary School has received the Eco Schools Green Flag from Keep Wales Tidy.

To celebrate its success over 120 pupils of all ages – along with their parents – recently took part in a special Walk to School morning

The walk, which was linked to Green Britain Day, was led by local County Councillor Peter Morgan, Cabinet member for Communities, and pupils of the school Eco Group.

Headteacher, Simon Thomas said he was delighted with the award, which reflected the ethos of the school.

“Credit goes to the Eco Group under the leadership of Mrs Viv Grey, who maintains very high standards,” he said.

The report from the Eco Schools organisation praised the school for its ‘great use of local environment and visits as an educational resource, with good follow-up in the classroom.’

It also highlighted the regular and productive Eco Group meetings;  the impressive work being done on education for sustainable development and global citizenship issues, as well as the good integration with Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship and Physical Education and Schools Sports Schemes.

The school was also awarded a Grade A for being litter free.

Photograph: Pupils help unfurl their new green flag along with Councillor Morgan, Headteacher Simon Thomas and Viv Grey.
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