School pupils learn how to be responsible dog owners

School pupils across Flintshire have been taking part in workshops teaching them about how to be a responsible dog owner, as well as all about the law in relation to dog fouling.

Flintshire County Council introduced a Dog Order across the county in December 2009. Since this date, the Council and North Wales Police have worked in partnership to educate and enforce against dog owners who fail to clean up after their dog.

The partnership believes that public education, coupled with enforcement action, is the only long term success measure for preventing dog fouling in the county. With that in mind, a series of workshops have been arranged, which will be delivered in partnership with the Dogs Trust.

The schools taking part so far have been Broughton Junior School; Drury CP; Lixwm CP; Nannerch VCP; Sealand CP; Ysgol Terrig CP, Treuddyn; and Ysgol y Llan, Whitford VP.

Councillor Dennis Hutchinson, Executive Member for Leisure and Public Protection, said:

“The school based workshops have been very successful, providing a fun and interactive learning environment for children to learn about the responsibility of owning a dog, and the importance of cleaning up after it.

“We believe that children ‘live what they learn’ and it’s our hope that children are taking home the messages they learn at these workshops, as well as retaining that information for their future lives.”

Report incidences of dog fouling to our dedicated dog warden service on 01352 703366 or via email: [email protected]; please quote times, places and names if possible.

Photograph: Pictured with pupils at Sealand CP School are Alison Donald from the Dogs’ Trust, Billy Unsworth, Cllr Christine Jones with Poppy, a Jack Russell cross (resident at North Clwyd Animal Rescue, Trelogan) and Nicky Owen, also from the NCAR. Behind the pupils are Owain Horton from NCAR and Scott Rowley, from Flintshire County Council
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