Scrutiny Reports on Cardiff’s Childrens Services

A Task and Finish Inquiry into the case management of Cardiff Council’s Intake and Assessment team in Children’s Services will present its report before a scrutiny committee this week.

Members of the Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee agreed to undertake the inquiry following concerns raised about the high level of caseloads and low levels of staff resources.
The Task and Finish Group reviewed evidence from social workers, team managers, associated referral agencies, Care Council for Wales and unions and will report its key findings and make recommendations to the Council’s Executive which will aid senior managers in the improvement of the overall service.

The report will be presented at the Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee on Tuesday 10 January 2012.

Members of the Committee worked closely with senior management at Cardiff Council in order to complete the inquiry as quickly as possible and within the allotted timescale. Senior Managers in Children’s Services helped to facilitate the process so that the Task & Finish Group had full access to gather evidence and speak with staff and partner agencies in order to respond effectively.

The report makes eleven recommendations which includes reviewing the allocation of cases within Children’s Services Intake and Assessment so that social workers have no more than 20 cases, providing full staffing of experienced social workers, reducing caseloads, providing high quality support, training and supervision for staff and to investigate the development of stronger working partnerships with agencies such as the Police, Women’s Aid and schools.

The Scrutiny Committee also accepts that the protection of vulnerable children and the provision of appropriate services and support required is a fundamental priority for the Council and recommends that the Council ensures that Children’s Services is provided with all the necessary resources it requires to meet the needs of the service in its provision of the 2012-2013 budget.

Cllr Bill Kelloway, Chair of the Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee said, “The report focuses on the views of staff, managers and agencies on the present caseload of Intake and Assessment in Children’s Services and the recommendations made are intended to achieve the best outcomes for this important service. I would like to thank all the staff and managers who took part and contributed evidence to the process which has helped the committee to complete its task.

“We hope the recommendations are accepted by the Executive, and an action plan including timescales will be identified in order to implement these recommendations.”

Executive Member for Health, Social Care and Wellbeing, Cllr Kirsty Davies said, “I am pleased that the completed report highlights both the improvements we are already making, and the further steps we need to take. I would like to thank all of the staff and managers in Children’s Services for their time and assistance with this inquiry.”

“Our commitment to responding to the needs of vulnerable children, and also to supporting staff and recognising the challenges and pressures they can face when doing their jobs remains mine and the Council’s main focus.”


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