Seaside Award for Talacre and Gronant Beaches

Talacre and Gronant beaches have been awarded the Seaside Award (Yellow Flag) by Keep Wales Tidy for the season ahead.

The Seaside Award is given to beaches with bathing water of the mandatory standard (Bathing Water Directive 76/160/EEC) and which fulfil 15 land-based criteria falling into 5 groups – cleanliness, information, management, safety and water quality. Talacre and Gronant dunes are also designated Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

Flintshire County Council is responsible for monitoring the sea water quality and management of the beaches and dunes in conjunction with partners such as local business, the Environment Agency and the Countryside Council for Wales.

Director of Environment, Carl Longland, said, “I am delighted that these beaches have achieved this Award. It recognises the continued joint working of Council officers with local business, agencies and voluntary groups.”

Councillor Dennis Hutchinson, Executive Member for Leisure and Public Protection said, “Flintshire has two beautiful beaches at Talacre and Gronant and this Award is recognition of effective working of all the partners involved. They are a true natural tourist attraction.”

Photograph: Talacre © Leon Arndt

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