Seizure of false identies, Swansea

Scheme to check on false identification in city centre licensed premises heralded as a success

A scheme to check on identification produced by young persons attempting to gain access to licensed premises in Swansea City Centre has resulted in 835 driving licenses, passports or other identification documents being seized over a twelve month period since July 2009.

The scheme, contributed to by Safer Swansea Partnership, South Wales Police, City Centre Licensed Premises and door staff at those premises has resulted in the exclusion of young people under the age of 18 and has been greeted as a step towards the safeguarding of youngsters.

Inspector Bill John, of Swansea Central Police Station praised the contribution of the work of door staff at city centre premises, saying, “One of the principals of the licensing objectives is the protection of children from harm and the work undertaken by door staff has undoubtedly contributed towards our overall aim of making the city centre night time economy a safer place to visit and to enjoy”

He added, “The number of instances of fake identification has now decreased with some producing borrowed driving licenses or passports from friends or relatives to gain access to licensed premises. These documents are seized and returned to the DVLA or Passport Agency”.

“Effectively this is a disincentive to others to lend those documents as they then have to apply and pay for new documents, and this can have a knock on effect, particularly if they need those documents to go on holiday.”

With the results of the A Level and GCSE exams due to be released on the  19th and 24th August, the Police have some concerns that the results of those exams may lead to young people under 18 years trying to gain access to licensed premises in order to celebrate their results.

Mr John further added “Door staff at city centre premises will remain vigilant over the summer period and any further borrowed or fake identification would continue to be dealt with appropriately”.


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