Shadow Culture and Heritage Minister Visits Dylan Thomas Notebooks Exhibition

Suzy Davies AM at the Dylan Thomas Notebooks Exhibition with Jo Furber, Literature Officer at the Dylan Thomas Centre; and David Robinson, curator at the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery

Suzy Davies AM at the Dylan Thomas Notebooks Exhibition with Jo Furber, Literature Officer at the Dylan Thomas Centre; and David Robinson, curator at the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery

Shadow Minister for Culture and Heritage Suzy Davies AM has encouraged people to take a look at the new collection of Dylan Thomas notebooks on display in Swansea.

After her visit to Swansea’ Dylan Thomas Centre, the regional AM for South Wales West said: “To be able to get a glimpse into the mind of one of the western world’s most famous poets is an opportunity that I just couldn’t turn down.

“Jo Furber, Literature Officer from the Dylan Thomas Centre, has done a great job in sourcing materials from the University of Buffalo to be able to put this collection together. To know that there is even more material in the Buffalo archive is tantalising Wales. And with a potential swap with the National Library of Wales I’m pleased that we’ll have a chance to see even more of it.”

The display, which will leave Swansea and travel to Aberystwyth on 31 July this year, has been loaned to the Dylan Thomas Centre by Buffalo University in the United States and is complemented with artwork from the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery.

Mrs Davies went on to say “I’m pleased that the Dylan Thomas Centenary celebrations have had such a big effect already. I couldn’t believe that there were collections of Dylan Thomas’ work in America which has not been logged or properly archived yet.

“The added profile that Dylan has got recently has meant that his works are being explored again however, which is great for Wales and for Swansea in particular.

“I hope that the Notebooks Exhibition will show children and young people that anyone can have a go at being creative. Hopefully they will unearth some talents that they didn’t even know they had.”

The Dylan Thomas Centre is open seven days a week from 10:00 am until 4:30 pm and entry is free.

The Dylan Thomas Notebooks Collection is open to the public until 31 July 2014. A new exhibition will then be available to the public from 13 September.


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