Shop online this Christmas to support Church charity

Shoppers can help people in Gaza receive vital dental care simply by buying presents for family and friends online this Christmas.

By signing up to the easyfundraising website before they start shopping, they can donate to the Church in Wales Jubilee Fund for a mobile dental clinic in Gaza without spending a penny extra. The Fund gets a cut of the profits from the shops – and with more than 2,000 of the UK’s best known retailers online there is plenty of choice.

The Archdeacon of Margam, Philip Morris, who coordinates the Jubilee Fund, urged people to take sign up.

He said, “This dental clinic is completely funded by the Jubilee Fund. We need £26,000 this year to enable the Near East Council of Churches to keep it running. Without our support, 70,000 people in Gaza will be denied dental care. Please ask your parish, friends and family to shop online and donate by going to

Photograph: The mobile dental clinic run by Christians in Gaza

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