Smart action catches thieves

The Safer Swansea Partnership is hailing the success of SmartWater technology following the conviction of two men for burglary in the Morriston area.

Matthew David Morgan, aged 25, and Shaun Devey, 22, recently appeared at Swansea Crown Court where they were sentenced to two and a half years each imprisonment for their part in the burglaries.

A Council-owned property in Morriston had been targeted by the burglars who stole copper pipes but to catch thieves a Smartwater device was fitted that when activated would spray the culprits with a unique forensic liquid.

SmartWater is a high-tech liquid which contains a unique forensic code that is registered to an address and so any marked items can be traced back to their rightful owners. The liquid can be used to mark a whole range of items from electrical items to jewellery and is almost impossible to remove.

Persons or items that have come into contact with SmartWater can be detected by the use of ultra-violet lights.

Following their arrest and while in custody both Morgan and Devey were found to have traces of the SmartWater liquid on their skin and clothing.

Acting Detective Inspector Keith Morgan said: “SmartWater is another weapon in our armoury in the fight against crime and it played a significant role in the conviction of these men.

“The operation to arrest these men was as a result of good working practices with our partners.”

Mr Morgan added: “Our message is simple: Anyone who is arrested and is found to have traces of SmartWater or a similar product on their person or clothing will have some explaining to do.”

Dorian Samuel, Operations Manager for Swansea Council, said: “As a landlord we’re committed to utilising all initiatives and technology to protect Council properties against theft or vandalism. This is an excellent example of joint working and close collaboration between agencies to resolve a problem.”

In addition to SmartWater there are a number of other products on the market that perform a similar function. Visit for more information or contact your local Crime Prevention Officer at South Wales Police on 101.


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