“Social Services reforms a good start but meeting future needs and expectations remains a challenge”

Following the launch today of a public consultation on the Social Services (Wales) Bill, Cllr Meryl Gravell OBE (Carmarthenshire), WLGA Spokesperson for Social Services said:

“Local government in Wales welcomes the opportunity to scrutinise proposals for reforming social services in Wales and looks forward to working with the Welsh Government and other partners to further develop the proposals in the Bill.”

“The Bill will make an important contribution to the transformation of social services in Wales and we support its aim to give people more control over the care they receive. We also particularly welcome plans for new service models such as the creation of a national adoption service, delivery of which is well underway through work being undertaken by local government and a range of partners. We welcome the renewed emphasis on partnership working and the proposal for a shadow safeguarding board, but remain concerned about the risks of the planned regional approach to safeguarding, particularly in areas such as North Wales.”

Parry Davies, President of ADSS Cymru said:

“There are firm foundations already in place for delivering high quality social care in Wales and a commitment to take these further, as highlighted in the local government response to the White Paper which we submitted last December. Whilst the Social Services (Wales) Bill is an opportunity to build on these it remains the case that Social Services in Wales are currently facing challenges on an unprecedented scale, as a result of increased demand for services and severe financial pressures. The focus going forward needs to be on how we deliver sustainable social services for the present time whilst meeting increasing needs and managing citizens’ expectations in the future.”

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