Something Fishy

A pipefish that’s usually spotted in the warm seas of the Mediterranean has been found off the Welsh coast.

This pipefish, photographed off the Welsh coast by marine scientist Paul Kay, is thought to be a Shore or Black-striped Pipefish (Syngnathus abaster). Previously, it had only been found as far north as Southern Biscay in the Atlantic, with the odd one seen more northerly off the coast of France, but never before in Welsh waters.

Dr Mandy McMath, Senior Marine Ecologist for the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) said, “Some species, if recorded routinely, could reveal important information on climate change and seasonal migrations. The sighting of more southerly species in Welsh waters indicates a possible rise in sea temperatures.”

Paul Kay, co-author of the Marine Fishes of Wales said, “It would be great if rock poolers, divers, anglers, fishermen or just anyone interested in identifying fish would go to to report any unusual sightings. There are gaps in our information about endangered species so all information will help us build up a better picture of fish species in Welsh waters.”

The colourful and comprehensive guide to help identify and record fish in Welsh seas was published by Marine Wildlife, with grant aid from the Countryside Council for Wales and in co-operation with the Marine Conservation Society and Welsh Federation of Fishermen’s Associations.

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