Sophie’s Legacy Lives On

Laura & Gerwyn Pearson, Dr Dirk Wilson, Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist and Alyson & Neil Hughes

Laura & Gerwyn Pearson, Dr Dirk Wilson, Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist and Alyson & Neil Hughes

The legacy of a young girl, who died from cardiomyopathy when she was just 12 years old, lives on through the Sophie Pearson Community Fund.

Sophie Pearson, aged 12, died in November 2006. She had been diagnosed earlier that year with dilated cardiomyopathy, an inflammation of the heart muscles. Sophie was treated for her condition at the Children’s Heart Unit at the University Hospital of Wales.

Since her death, a massive fundraising effort has been undertaken by her family and the community in New Tredegar, and raised almost £90,000 for the paediatric cardiac fund at the University Hospital of Wales.

Several events are organised each year to raise money for the Sophie Pearson Community Fund including Sophie’s Sevens rugby tournament, a sponsored bike ride and band days.

The Children’s Heart Unit of Wales has used some of the money donated to open a resource room in Sophie’s name at the hospital, which is used for teaching, conferences and meetings with staff.

Sophie’s mother Alyson said: “It makes us very proud as Sophie’s family that people have supported us and helped to raise money to provide this facility.

“We keep on fundraising because we feel like we’ve had so much support since Sophie died, that this is our way of giving back to the community and the hospital that provided us with fantastic care.

“The donations to her schools will benefit her friends and cousins and eventually her sisters.

“We’d like to say thank you to everyone who has helped us raise money. We couldn’t do it without their support.”

David Hanks, Directorate Head of Operations & Delivery, Acute Child Health at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board said: “We’d like to thank Sophie’s family and friends and also the local community for their magnificent fundraising efforts. Donations such as these help us to provide the best facilities for patients and their families in our care.”

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