Special Hillfort Walks to see Archaeology in Action

Visitors are invited to join archaeologists Fiona Gale and Erin Robinson on two special guided walks to Moel y Gaer hillfort, Bodfari this month.

Oxford University are currently undertaking archaeological survey work on the ancient enclosure, which is thought to date back to the Iron Age, around 2500 years ago.

Guided walks on Thursday 25th August at 11am and Thursday 1st September at 2pm will guide visitors up from the village to the hillfort, learning about its history along the way.

Moel y Gaer Bodfari is one of a chain of six hillforts on the Clwydian Range, a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Hillforts are giant enclosures which were built by digging huge ditches and large banks with the tools of the time- possibly bone and wooden shovels and antler picks.

Erin Robinson, Community Participation Officer for the Heather and Hillforts Project, said “As these monuments were built before the written record in Britain, very little is known about them. The work that Oxford University is undertaking may help to shed some light on why the enclosure was built, what was inside it and how it was constructed.

“We do not know what they were built for; whether as villages, for defence, for status or for animals, but the amount of effort that went into building these enclosures and the fact that they are still impressive monuments today 2500 years after their construction, shows just how important they were both to our ancestors and to ourselves today.”

The walks will meet at The Old Forge Stores, Bodfari on Thursday 25th August 11am and Thursday 1st September at 2pm. The walk involves some steep slopes and sensible clothing and footwear is advised.

For more information please contact Denbighshire Countryside Service on 01824 708230.


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