Special operation finds no weapons

A special operation in Rhyl over the weekend resulted in not one person being found in possession of a weapon.

As a result of recent incidents in Rhyl involving the use of knives and other weapons, local officers undertook Operation Udal between 5pm on Saturday and 7am on Sunday, October 31.

Using Section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act (which allows a Police Constable greater powers of Stop and Search than is normally the case) officers searched 52 individuals and not one weapon was found.

District Inspector for North Denbighshire Inspector Jones said: “I would like to reassure the public of Rhyl that weapon related incidents are extremely rare as illustrated by the results of this operation. However, when we do detect an increase, however slight, it is only right that we take appropriate measures to prevent further offences and protect the public.”

He added:”I would like to express my gratitude to those law abiding members of the public who were stopped for their assistance and apologise for any inconvenience caused.”

North Wales Police are committed to reducing violent crime and I’m confident that this operation will help to reassure members of the public that we are taking decisive action to do so.”


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