State-of-the-art classroom to benefit whole community

A new state-of-the-art learning centre at the Racecourse Ground that will benefit communities throughout the region has been officially unveiled.

The new ‘Wrexham Winners’ classroom will offer pupils and schools a wealth of education opportunities during both school and non-school hours.

The classroom, which has been funded by the Welsh Assembly Government’s Basic Skills Learning Through Sport project, Wrexham County Borough Council and the Racecourse Ground’s Community Foundation, and provides students with a unique learning environment.

The classroom includes 15 student work stations in it, each one complete with a laptop. It also includes an electronic whiteboard. There is also a chill-out room, complete with kitchen facilities for students to relax.

The classroom has already hosted a number of students, including a project which aims to boost the level of numeracy and literacy in a group of 14 and 15 year olds to enable them to achieve A-C grades in their GCSE’s.

The primary purpose of the centre will be to work with young people who are not in education or employment in Wrexham and to try and stimulate them to become re engaged with education. These are children who are in danger of dropping out of mainstream education/training.

A centre manager, who will help with the delivery of the education programmes and evaluate the projects, will be responsible for the day to day running of the classroom.

Young people interested in sport will also have the opportunity to gain experience in coaching via the clubs Education Foundation.

The classroom’s benefits have already been highlighted. As part of a joint programme with Wrexham ITeC, the classroom was the base for a trial project aimed at getting young people back into education and employment.

A group of young people spent two days a week at the Racecourse Ground, taking part in a number of activities to help boost their confidence and gain valuable work experience.

The project saw the group helping prepare and serve food to Crusaders players, take part in fitness activities, administration work at the club shop and also take part in a media project, where the young people had to research and interview former Wrexham FC player Lee Jones.

Two learners on the project have secured jobs, while the rest are currently on work experience in the council departments.

Rod Findlay, Chief Executive Officer at Crusaders RL said:

“At the Racecourse Ground, we are committed to promoting the value of education and this new top class facility reflects that.

“The ‘Wrexham Winners’ classroom provides a unique learning environment and these impressive new facilities will fulfil an important role within the local community. The classroom will offer a number of learning opportunities created through sport and programmer are already in place to help improve the ability levels of all attendees in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT skills.

“I would like to thank the Welsh Assembly Government and Wrexham Council for their support in ensuring that this facility will benefit the community for years to come.”

John Davies, Chief Officer fro learning and Achievement at Wrexham Council said:

“We are committed to providing our students with the best learning environments possible and the ‘Wrexham Winners’ classroom at the Racecourse is a brilliant example of what can be achieved through partnership working.

“The pupils that have attended so far have been impressed with the modern facilities they are now learning in and are already benefiting from using them.

“Getting people back into education and employment is one of Wrexham Council’s priorities and we believe this facility will help to re-engage those people who have become disillusioned with education.”


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