Stay Safe This Christmas

Dyfedd Powys PoliceDyfed Powys Police are urging people to stay safe while they enjoy the festive season.

With the Christmas traditional party season upon us, police patrols will be increased over the evening and night time period.

Chief Inspector Nigel George said “We want people to enjoy the festive period and to have a good time but to do it responsibly.

“We do urge people to take care of themselves.  Just doing simple things before you go out like making sure people know where you are going and ensuring that you have arranged transportation home can ensure you have a safe and enjoyable night out”

Other advice includes:-

  • Always stay with your friends
  • Never leave your drink unattended
  • Do not walk home
  • Keep to well lit areas and avoid dark areas
  • Make sure you have enough money to get home
  • If you see any trouble, keep clear

Police Officers will be visiting licensed premises to encourage responsible drinking by vigorously enforcing licensing laws.

Chief Inspector George added: “We want people to have a good time but as people drink they become less aware of potential dangers.

“We are urging people to drink responsibly and not to ruin their Christmas by ending up in hospital or having a criminal record.”

Behave or Be Banned (BOBB) schemes also operate in most towns in the force and will result in people causing trouble being banned from all participating licensed premises in their area.

For further advice on keeping safe this Christmas contact your local Community Safety Officer on 101.

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