StreetPride takes to the streets

This summer will see the Caerphilly StreetPride initiative take to the streets of the county borough, with a series of high-profile enforcement campaigns to help tackle environmental issues including dog fouling, littering and fly-tipping.

Caerphilly StreetPride is a council initiative that brings together the services that keep the Caerphilly county borough clean, green and safe. Its aim is to work with residents to keep street and neighbourhoods at a standard that promotes pride and community responsibility.

The council’s Enforcement Officers and Community Safety Wardens recently undertook a high-profile enforcement initiative focussing on dog fouling.

Over the two-day initiative, which centred on Penallta Park and Waunfawr Park, officers issued a number of Fixed Penalty Notices and verbal warnings as well as distributing ‘poop scoops’ to dog owners.

Cllr Rob Gough, cabinet member for public protection said, “Our teams of Enforcement Officers and Community Safety Wardens work tirelessly to tackle environmental issues such as dog fouling and littering, and this two day operation illustrated the types of issues our teams have to deal with daily”.

He continued, “We will take action against the small minority who fail to take their environmental responsibilities seriously and feel it is acceptable to behave in this manner. Put simply – if you are seen littering or allowing your dog to foul public areas without picking it up, you will be fined. If you fail to pay the fine, we will take you to court”.

Further high-profile initiatives will take place over the coming weeks across the county borough, focussing on littering, with a particular focus on cigarette ends and fly-tipping.

The council is encouraging residents to get involved in the Caerphilly StreetPride initiative. To report your environmental concerns, which can include issues as diverse as fly-posting, street cleansing, noise nuisance and graffiti, please contact the Caerphilly StreetPride hotline on 01443 866566.

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