Strikers turn shoppers in Swansea

Stores in Swansea’s busy Quadrant Centre were reporting bumper sales as a result of the public sector strike on Wednesday.

Thousands of people flocked to the centre as parents and schoolchildren took the chance for a day of Christmas shopping.

It was good news for the stores and Quadrant Centre Manager Alan Wallace said: “It is very busy here. It’s packed to the rafters and places like some shops have got tills open I’ve never seen open before.

“They’re queuing outside for the car parks and they’ve been pouring in – everyone seems to be out today.

“The strike must be having an effect but we have been busy and there are lots of offers on so I imagine that lots of people who have had to take the day off are using it to get some Christmas shopping done.”

Clif Roberson, owner of Trenchers café and The Gallery restaurant at the Quadrant, said: “It’s really buzzing and I think it could well be to do with the strikes but everyone seems to be coming shopping which is good.

“We’re certainly doing plenty of trade and I’m even serving tables which I don’t usually do and it’s three’o’clock.

“But it’s been busy anyway and the Quadrant always has good footfall and we’ve expanded our menu and that has worked well for us.”

At the Body Shop manager Jessica Hamling said she’d had to call staff in early to help cope with the rush: “It’s heaving which is good news for us,” she said.

“I did think it would be busy today but I didn’t realise just how busy and I have had to call one of our staff in at 11 when she wasn’t due to start until three.”

Entertainment stores HMV and Game were particularly busy with so many young people having a day off with schools and colleges closed and at HMV Peter Cowie said: “It’s absolutely rammed and our new technology department is jam packed.”

“It could be down to the strike because there are a lot of families and youngsters in but it’s very, very busy and that’s very, very good news.”

Chris Williams, assistant manager at Game, said: “I wouldn’t have expected it to be this busy but we’ve had loads of people in today and it could be down to the strike.”

Menkind’s Paul Davies was another to feel the benefit and he said: “It’s really started to feel like Christmas and things have been flying off the shelves because we’ve got so many offers on.

“There are a lot of people here with kids from school and there’s a really good atmosphere.

“We’re doing a roaring trade in helicopters and in  massage chairs and things like piggy banks and money boxes always do well at this time of year – hopefully they’ll be saving up to spend here.”

Photograph: Jessica Hamling, Body Shop

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