Success for Pembrokeshire Learning Market

Information on a variety of new learning opportunities was provided at the recent Pembrokeshire Learning Market at the Riverside, Haverfordwest.

Visitors signed up for a wide range of activities, and took part in open days, free taster sessions and other events held during Adult Learners’ Week.

The market was officially opened by County Councillor Huw George, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People, Learning and the Welsh Language.

The Market was part of the Pembrokeshire Learning Festival, a partnership consisting of a number of providers who support Adult Learning within Pembrokeshire.

The Festival was coordinated by NIACE Dysgu Cymru and funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and the European Social Fund.

Photograph: Cllr Huw George with members of the Pembrokeshire Learning Festival Group, and Elaine Readman from the Pembrokeshire Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers.

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