Sunbed laws extended

From 31 October, laws for operating and using sunbeds in Wales will be extended to protect the nation’s health.

A ban on people aged under 18 using sunbeds came into force in Wales on 8th April 2011.  The ban is designed to reduce the incidence of skin cancer by protecting under 18s from the danger of over exposure to ultra-violet radiation.

Further sunbed laws will come into force in Wales from 31st October 2011, which will:

  • outlaw the use of unsupervised sunbeds.
  • prohibit the sale or hire of sunbeds to under 18s.
  • ensure sunbed controls apply to businesses operating from domestic premises.
  • require specific health information only (posters and leaflets) to be displayed / available at the salon.
  • require the provision and wearing of appropriate protective eyewear.

Over the next few weeks, officers from Conwy County Borough Council and Denbighshire County Council will be working with the sunbed industry across both counties by providing advice, assistance and training to help give the local business operators a head start in complying with the new stricter controls of sunbeds in Wales.

Cllr Philip Evans, Conwy’s Cabinet Member for Corporate & Regulatory Services said:

“Our main focus will be to protect commercial sunbed users and also children and young people from the increased risk of developing skin cancer.  Adopting a close working relationship with sunbed operators across both counties at an early stage, should ensure that we play a significant role in achieving this important public health outcome.”

Cllr Sharon Frobisher, Denbighshire’s Cabinet Lead Member for Environment, added:

“Skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer and we aim to reduce the risk, particularly for our young people by using this new legislation to help inform them of the associated dangers of over-using sunbeds and to also ensure that sunbed businesses are properly run and reflect the changes in law.”

Further information and guidance on the new legislation is available on the Welsh Government website.

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