Support Package Launched for Armed Forces Community

A package of support for the Armed Forces Community in Caerphilly has been launched by the Welsh Labour Government.

Jeff Cuthbert AM said the range of measures being introduced would mean armed services personnel and their families would not be left isolated or cut adrift from their local communities.

The package includes polices in place or plans to implement in the coming year including:

  • Mental health support for veterans through the all-Wales Mental Health and Well-Being Service for Veterans;
  • Armed Forces Advocate for Wales
  • Expert Group on the Needs of the Armed Forces Community in Wales;

A 50% council tax discount on second homes owned by Armed Forces personnel who live in accommodation provided by the Ministry of Defence;

Cuthbert said: “This package reiterates Welsh Labour’s support for the Armed Forces community in Caerphilly. On our watch we will ensure armed forces personnel and their families get all the help and assistance they need to make sure they can lead normal lives.

“Veterans have to face many different challenges and whether it’s readjusting to civilian life with mental health support or dealing with physical injuries the Welsh Labour Government is committed to helping in any way it can.”

The Welsh Labour Minister with responsibility for the Armed Forces in Wales, Carl Sargeant, said: “In Wales there are estimated to be at least a quarter of a million members of the Armed Forces Community, which includes serving personnel, reservists and cadets as well as their families and ex-service personnel. As a Government we want to ensure that they suffer no disadvantage.”


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