Swansea-born man is Chartered Accountants’ future leader

Swansea-born and educated Martyn Jones, national audit technical partner at Deloitte, has been elected as ICAEW’s next vice president.

Martyn, who formally takes office in June, will be nominated as ICAEW President in 2013 – also the centenary of the South Wales Society of Chartered Accountants.

Martyn, who was born at Upper Killay, Gower, near Swansea in 1951, went to the city’s Clase Primary School  and Dynevor Grammar School, then at  Denbigh Grammar and Denbigh High School in North Wales.

He obtained a BSc honours from Swansea University and is now a member of the university’s advisory board to its School of Business and Economics at which he is an honorary lecturer. He often spends time in Gower.

Martyn, who met his wife Doreen at Swansea University, now lives in Buckinghamshire and the Gower.

Commenting on his election, Martyn said:-

“The economic crisis and subsequent fragile recovery have brought home to us all, the crucial role that chartered accountants play. They are instrumental in helping companies drive growth which in turn is critical to the prospects of economies around the world. Through its strategy, ICAEW is also playing an important role in shaping the future of the profession, developing the knowledge and skills of future business leaders and helping businesses build a sustainable future. I look forward to the opportunity to playing my part in helping ICAEW deliver on its strategy and aspirations.”

Gerald Russell, ICAEW President, said:

“It is a tribute to the strength of our council that there were three such strong candidates for our next Vice President. As I know from my own experience, it is an enormous privilege that comes with great responsibility. I would like to thank all three candidates for putting themselves forward for such an important role and add my congratulations to Martyn on his election. Martyn has played a significant role within ICAEW as a member of council as well as a chair of our ethics standards committee and a member of our technical strategy board. I look forward to working with him in his new role in the coming months.”

Martyn has over 30 years of working with businesses of all sizes as well as with the public and third sector. His experience ranges from audit, training, risk management, corporate governance services to service innovation and handling professional and regulatory issues. He is chairman of Deloitte’s Corporate Governance Services group, a member of DTTL global Audit Technical Advisory Board and also of the CBI’s companies committee.

During his career, Martyn has been a very active supporter and heavily engaged with the work of ICAEW.  He campaigned successfully with Sir David Tweedie to get the true and fair view concept embedded in audit reporting internationally. He subsequently led ICAEW’s Working Group to support members on the implementation of Clarity International Standards for Auditing (ISA). Martyn has been a member of ICAEW’s council for the last four and a half years and has sat on several ICAEW committees.

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