Swansea City underpass to be closed

An underpass in Swansea city centre is being closed from later this week.

Work to close off the Victoria Road underpass to the public will start from Wednesday as part of a series of advance works to pave the way for a boulevard between the River Tawe bridges and the LC.

A new street level pedestrian crossing is already is place from the Maritime Quarter over to the Salubrious Place and Wind Street area for pedestrians and cyclists to use as an alternative.

Plans will also see the Victoria Road underpass filled-in later this month after an application to close it was recently approved by magistrates.

The boulevard scheme will enhance the look of a key Swansea city centre gateway and better connect the city centre with the waterfront.

Other advance works to have been completed include the upgrade of Adelaide Street. The new street layout there includes wider pavements, street furniture and natural stone surfacing that further improves the Maritime Conservation Area.  It also complements the landscaping that was undertaken several years ago that saw the demolition of vacant commercial premises to create a more attractive gateway into the city

Work is also ongoing to improve the pedestrian crossing on Oystermouth Road at its junction with West Way.

Cllr Gareth Sullivan, Swansea Council’s Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration and Planning, said: “The boulevard scheme will greatly improve the appearance of an important route in and out of Swansea city centre for millions of motorists every year.

“It will also generate better links between the city centre shops and our stunning seafront and these new pedestrian crossings will play a big part in helping us reach that objective.”

The schemes together form part of a waterfront improvement project that’s funded by Swansea Council, an ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) Convergence grant from the Wales European Funding Office and a grant from the Welsh Assembly Government.

Have a look at www.swanseacitycentre.com for more information.


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