Swansea steps up domestic abuse fight

Swansea’s battle against domestic abuse is stepping up a gear this week.

Swansea‘s landmark Domestic Abuse Strategy 2010 to 2013 was launched at Swansea Grand Theatre, on Wednesday, March 17th.

The strategy drawn up by Swansea Domestic Abuse Forum, part of Safer Swansea Partnership, provides a vision for the development of services to reduce the level and impact of verbal, psychological, sexual, financial and physical abuse in the home.

Swansea Council Cabinet member for Regeneration Cllr Alan Robinson said: “As part of the Safer Swansea Partnership, Swansea Council is determined to tackle Domestic Abuse and build on what has been achieved so far.

“While we simply do not have the resources to do everything we would like to do, this latest action plan is yet another major step forward in making the best use of the resources we have got.

“As a local authority we will continue to drive forward this issue.”

Chairman of the Safer Swansea Partnership Chief Superintendent Mark Mathias said: “Domestic abuse will not be tolerated and I see this strategy as a cornerstone strategy in ensuring that all members of society are safe, secure and protected from crime.”

Thousands of domestic abuse incidents are reported to South Wales Police annually (4029 in the last year alone) and to voluntary agencies such as Swansea Women’s Aid each year. Many more cases go unreported.

Almost half of the 14,000 calls to the Wales Domestic Abuse helpline originate from South Wales.

From April 2008 to March 2009 Swansea‘s Women’s Aid helpline alone received 594 calls for support.

Welsh Women’s Aid estimates as many as 150,000 children and young people are affected by domestic abuse in Wales at any one time.

The new strategy builds on the achievements in the Swansea area since 2006.


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