Swansea University appoints former Government Minister as its Strategic Adviser

Swansea University is pleased to announce the appointment of former Welsh Government Minister Andrew Davies as the University’s Strategic Adviser and an Honorary Professor.

Andrew Davies was Assembly Member for Swansea West from 1999 to 2011 and as a former Welsh Government Finance Minister and Economic Development Minister he is well known across Wales and the UK.

Speaking about the appointment Vice-Chancellor Professor Richard Davies said: “We are delighted that Andrew has agreed to be our Strategic Adviser. He brings a wealth of high-level valuable experience to the role which will involve advising senior management at the University, particularly on issues such as the campus expansion and public policy in Wales and beyond.  I look forward to working with him. We are also pleased to recognise Andrew’s expertise and achievements through appointment as an Honorary Professor linked to the Research Institute for Applied Social Studies within the Department for Political and Cultural Studies.”

Andrew Davies said: “As a graduate of the University and having been privileged to represent the people of Swansea for over a decade, I am immensely proud of my links with the city. It’s a great honour to have been made a professor and to have been appointed to this new role to help Swansea University achieve its exciting and ambitious vision for the future.”

A graduate of Swansea University, where he also trained as a teacher, Andrew is a qualified counsellor and has lectured extensively in further, higher and continuing education. He has an in-depth knowledge of the Welsh economy through his experience in government, the private sector and the fields of education and training.

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