Swansea University Nurses in Tanzania Cycle Challenge for Women and Baby Health

Gail Mooney (left) and Fiona Murphy

Gail Mooney (left) and Fiona Murphy

Two Swansea University nurses are undertaking a major cycle challenge in Tanzania to raise funds for Genesis Research Trust, to help improve the health of women and babies worldwide.

In November 2014, Associate Professor Gail Mooney, Director and Associate Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Associate Professor Fiona Murphy, both of the College of Human and Health Sciences will join Professor Robert Winston’s Women for Women cycle challenge to fund ground-breaking medical research work at a major research centre in Hammersmith Hospital.

Fiona Murphy said: “Genesis Research Trust raises money for the largest UK-based collection of scientists and clinicians who are researching the causes and cures for conditions that affect the health of women and babies.

“With nearly 250 babies dying every week in the UK from complications during pregnancy, the work of the Genesis Research Trust has never been so essential for women and babies nationwide.”

The pair will be cycling approximately 220 miles over five days, from Dar es Salaam in Tanzania to Stone Town in Zanzibar Island.

Gail said: “We are busy training for this once in a lifetime challenge and can’t wait to witness the wonderful Mount Kilimanjaro arriving five days later hopefully victorious in Zanzibar.”

If you would like to support Gail and Fiona’s challenge, please visit the Just Giving webpage: http://www.justgiving.com/Gail-P-Mooney2

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