Swansea’s Texas A&M Student Exchange Programme Success Continues

Texas A and M students 27 Mar 14 006Swansea University’s third intake of students from Texas A&M University as part of its pioneering undergraduate exchange programme in Engineering, are making the most of their time at Swansea University.

The group of four students from Texas arrived at the University in January and are studying in the University’s College of Engineering until June 2014.

Launched in 2012, the Swansea-Texas A&M student exchange scheme sees students from Medical, Chemical and Environmental Engineering at Swansea spend their autumn term studying in Texas, with students from Texas A&M coming to Swansea in the spring.

Dr Raoul van Loon, who manages the exchange programme in the College of Engineering said: “I have been delighted to welcome these students to Swansea.

“Students who participate in the exchange programme benefit from the academic expertise of two outstanding academic institutions and get to experience life in another country.

“Students who have been on the programme tell us what a fantastic experience it has been and one even returned to Swansea after they graduated to pursue a postgraduate degree with us. I hope that our current group of students is enjoying all that Swansea and the University has to offer.”

Taylor Delap from Allen in Texas (pictured far left) is one of the exchange students currently studying at Swansea. “I am loving my time at Swansea” she said, “everyone is very friendly and it’s a beautiful location. I’ve really enjoyed visiting the Gower and the chance to see historic places like London, Bath and Stonehenge.”

The exchange programme with Texas A&M University is part of a wider Swansea University initiative to encourage more students to study abroad for part of their degree.  It forms part of a partnership between Swansea and Texas which also includes research collaboration, knowledge transfer, sharing of infrastructure and the exchange of academic staff.

Swansea students wishing to study for a year or a semester outside Europe can now benefit from a £1000 travel bursary from the University’s International Development Office.  For further information, please visit: http://www.swansea.ac.uk/international/opportunities/study-and-work-abroad/study-abroad/scholarships-and-bursaries/

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