An event to help people understand how to be better prepared to deal with flooding will be hosted at Marlborough Road Junior School on Saturday, November 21 at 10.30am.
The aim of the event, which is the first to be hosted by the Council, is to provide advice and information on flooding and flood risk/reduction for both residents and businesses.
The Cardiff Council Emergency Management unit, along with advisers from the Association of British Insurers, South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, Environment Agency Wales plus flooding experts from the flood forum will be there to offer advice.
A variety of information will be available during the fair including, flood prevention and equipment, insurance advice and tips on how to protect your property and minimise the impact of a flood.
Executive Member for Communities, Housing and Social Justice, Cllr Judith Woodman, said: “Flooding is sadly very much a part of life in Britain and can cause devastation to both homes and businesses. With this in mind it is essential that we provide residents and business owners in Cardiff with as much information and advice on how to tackle and prevent flooding.
“The Flood Fair brings together key organisations that will be on hand to provide the most up to date information on all issues relating to flooding.”
The event is free and runs from 10.30am until 3.30pm. For further information please call 029 2087 1838, email or visit