Tackling Speeding Around City Schools

Cardiff Council’s Road Safety Team are working in conjunction with South Wales Police to tackle the issue of speeding near school gates.

On Thursday, March 17 an exercise will take place at Meadowlane Primary School, St Mellons to help highlight the issue of the need to reduce speed near schools.

During the event Cardiff Road Safety Team will set up a speed indicator machine 200 to 400m away from Meadowlane’s school gate.  South Wales Police Officers holding a speed gun will be located at the school gate.

The speed indicator will alert the driver of their speed, as they approach the school.

If the driver is speeding and ignores the warning, and continues at their speed the Police on the gates will then stop the driver and offer them a choice of a speeding ticket or the option to be interviewed by the pupils of the school, who will ask why they are speeding and make the driver aware of how speeding effects them at the school.

Executive Member for Transport and Transportation, Cllr Delme Bowen will also attend the event and meet the school children who are taking part in the exercise.

The event on Thursday is a pilot scheme in the city, but has previously proven successful in Carmarthen supported by Dyfed Powys Police. The aim of the scheme is to raise awareness and gives school children the opportunity to talk to drivers about speeding. A similar exercise will also take place at Ysgol Y Berllan Deg in the next few weeks.

Executive Member for Transport and Transportation, Cllr Delme Bowen, said: “This is a great new initiative that highlights the issue of speed to drivers and makes school children aware of the risks that they face whilst crossing the road near their school. I hope by speaking to the pupils of Meadowlane Primary School, drivers will be encouraged to think about their speed and will stop them from speeding.”


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