Talented tenants pick up awards

Pensioner Renee Williams is proof that it’s never too late to learn.

At the age of 74, Renee has just picked up a new qualification thanks to housing association Cartrefi Conwy.

Renee, who lives at Y Fron sheltered housing complex, in Old Colwyn, is one of dozens of tenants who went back to the classroom to learn new skills.

Cartrefi Conwy organised a range of courses in conjunction with TPAS Cymru (Tenant Participation Advisory Service).

The tenants who successfully passed training courses in Effective Meeting Skills and Level 2 Food Safety courses were presented with their certificates at a special awards ceremony.

Tenants who attended numerous meetings setting up a Cartrefi Conwy Scrutiny Panel were also recognised for their efforts in helping develop the organisation.

Cartrefi Conwy Chief Executive Andrew Bowden presented certificates to tenants and praised their community spirit.

He said: “It certainly gave me great pleasure to meet tenants and recognise their achievements. Our volunteer tenants assist Cartrefi Conwy, both now and in the future, to provide a better service to all our tenants.

“I am extremely proud of what our tenants have achieved, and continue to achieve, which helps us, as a responsible Social Landlord, to meet the needs of all our tenants.”

Among those presented with an award was Renee who found the Effective Meeting Skills course really worthwhile.

She said: “I attend lots of meetings as I have a role as a tenant within the Management Team meetings as well as sitting on the Cartrefi Conwy Scrutiny and Communication Panels. So learning how to get the most of meetings has been really worthwhile.

“I enjoy being a Cartrefi Conwy tenant as there really is a great community spirit and the opportunity to tackle courses such as these is really valuable and definitely worthwhile.”

Sylvia Duxbury, 64,  who also lives at Y Fron, was awarded certificates having passed both the Effective Meeting Skills course and the Level 2 Award in Food Safety.

Sylvia said: “I have several tenant group roles as I’m the treasurer of the Kennedy Court Garden Club as well as chairing the Cartrefi Conwy Property Services Group.

“The Effective Meeting Skills was excellent and means I learnt some really good tips so I can ensure we, as tenants, get the most out of the meetings I run and attend.

“I also enjoyed the food safety course. I used to work in the kitchens of a convalescent home some years ago and was amazed at just how things have changed, and for the better. Hygiene is taken far more seriously now than it was a few years ago.

“I will be taking the lessons I learnt back to other tenants which I think is important.”

Tenants Sheila Jones and Bob Hawkes, both 62, from Glanrafon, in Llanrwst, agreed  the courses were really worthwhile and rewarding.

Sheila, was awarded a certificate after passing the Effective Meeting Skills Course as well as for attending Scrutiny Panel meetings.

She said: “I am secretary of the Glanrafon Residents and Tenants’ Association so I found it really helpful to learn how to run proper meetings and how to get the most out of them.

“I do enjoy being a Cartrefi Conwy tenant and have to say any issues we report are dealt with very quickly.”

Bob Hawkes agreed: “As chair of the Communication Panel and as chair of the Glanrafon Residents and Tenants’ Association I did find the course very helpful indeed.

“I also set up, and am area co-ordinator, for the Glanrafon Neighbourhood Watch Scheme so again, knowing how to get the best out of meetings is important.”

TPAS Project Officer, Helen Cook, said: “We identified the need for training to promote, initiate and develop tenant participation in housing management.  This helps us promote the well-being of Cartrefi Conwy tenants.

“They really were a brilliant group of tenants to work with and I know they will take the lessons they learned back into their wider community.”

Llandrillo College students, who are putting the brunch into the weekly Brunch Club at Kennedy Court, in Old Colwyn,also presented with certificates of appreciation for their efforts.

The service from students, who are on an Introduction to Catering course, has been so successful that it’s been rolled out to other sheltered housing complexes run by Catrefi Conwy.

Andrew Bowden praised the work of the students adding: “They have all shown a great deal of endeavour and I know the brunch clubs they have set up and run are really appreciated by many of our tenants.

“The students always have a smile on their faces and I know our tenants are absolutely thrilled with the service they provide which help tenants get out and meet up for a chat with friends which is so important.”

Llandrillo College tutor Trish Hughes said: “It is absolutely fantastic Cartrefi Conwy are giving our students the chance to engage with the community while also having the opportunity to learn.”

Photograph: Sylvia Duxbury, Sheila Jones, Bob Hawkes and Renee Williams
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