Taxi driver fined for lighting up

Smoking Enforcement Officers in Swansea are urging drivers of work based vehicles to avoid lighting up and smoking in their vehicles.

The advice follows a recent court case which resulted in a local taxi driver paying out over £600 after being found guilty of three offences relating smoking in a smoke free place.

Smoking enforcement officers confirmed that the driver previously received a written warning and a fixed penalty for two offences in 2007 and 2008.

The latest offences occured between May and August 2009 and resulted in a fine of £525 and included further costs of £85 and a £15 victim surcharge.

Smoking in public places in Wales become illegal in April 2007. The ban includes pubs, restaurants and other public places where people congregate. The ban also includes work places and requires work based vehicles such as taxis and buses to be smoke free.

So far, Swansea Council has issued 53 fixed penalties to people for smoking in company and licensed vehicles and have had six successful prosecutions for the same offences.

John Hague, Cabinet Member for the Environment in Swansea Council, said: “Since the introduction of the ban on smoking in public places, the Council has taken its responsiblites very serious in terms of ensuring people comply with the ban.

“We have noticed less compliance in the ban by some drivers of commerical and licensed vehicles.

“We would urge companies to remind staff who drive vehicles to remember that vehicles used for work are also considered a public place and the legislation covers these vehicles.”

Further information on smoking in public places call the Council’s Health Promotion Team on 01792 635600.

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