Tenby RNLI crew assist teenage in cliff fall

Tenby’s all-weather RNLI lifeboat was tasked to locate an 18-year-old girl, who fell over the cliff at Giltar point whilst walking with her friends.

The lifeboat was on scene within minutes and located the girl on the North side of Giltar point. The girl had slipped whilst crossing Giltar saddle and had fallen approximately 15 meters over an outcrop of rocks. She was knocked unconscious and lay in a precarious position on a grassy bank near a cliff path.

A female friend walking with her at the time managed to scramble down the cliff to her position helping to comfort her until assistance arrived.

The volunteer lifeboat crew landed ashore using the ‘Y’ boat, carrying with them vital first aid equipment. They traversed up to the casualty’s position using a cliff path whilst Tenby cliff rescue team set up rescue equipment at the top of the cliff.

The volunteer lifeboat crew administered oxygen and immobilised the casualty until the cliff team descended to her position from above. As darkness fell the volunteers helped put the casualty in a rescue stretcher prior to being lowered to the base of the cliff, the inshore lifeboat was then tasked to convey the stretcher to the all- weather lifeboat.

The casualty, still semi-conscious was then transferred at speed to an awaiting ambulance at Tenby harbour. The lifeboat later returned to the scene to collect the girl’s friend who had by this time been lowered to the base of the cliff, all units then returned to station.


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